Hero Groups
Prime Force
A former hero organization meant to protect the world from intergalactic threats, returned in 2135. Previously consisting of Ms. Gilbert, Jason King and Harlem Shade, they publicly disbanded after the death of Jason, but both Ms. G and Harlem continued to be prominent heroes in the industry and continued to publicly protect Prime. WATCH effectively replaced this org, though not in an identical way.
Prime Defenders
A hand-selected group of fledgling superheroes that are supposed to become the future, 3rd-generation Prime Force. They are supposed to be overseen by WATCH (but mostly do what they want).
Prime Rifters
A team of young heroes instated to help New Haven in the absence of the Prime Defenders. Consisting of Portalgeist, Valence, and Sleepyhead, this team had helped Summer deal with and reform Doug. Their current location is unknown, as they were last seen going through a rift.
An organization founded by Ms. Gilbert, whose main purpose is to ensure heroes do not act out of line. Heroes must be licensed under the org in order to be legally recognized as such. There are two HQs of WATCH, one of which is located in Freedom City and the other being in space.
The Sovereign Five
A team of heroes under WATCH. The team consists of Lightspeed, Wordsmith, Archangel, Pretender, and Bacon Man.
Supermax Prisons
Supermax Security Prisons are a chain of prisons (at least 2 currently named, found in Rockfall and Freedom City), the re-construction or modification in the part 9 years of which were headed by Ms. Gilbert. They are made to hold the most dangerous of villains, with intense and oft magical security measures put in place to ensure escape is impossible (though, notably, this isn't always foolproof as seen in S2 Episode 4: Atlas Shrugs). Supermax Prisons are connected with WATCH and, thus, controlled and maintained by the org.
Villains are divided up by "type" of power they have within the facilities, as shown by the Lich's power being generalized as "Arcana" typing in S2 Episode 13: Maximum Security. This system is likely in place to divide what villains go where in the prison, with different cells and holding places suppressing different power "types" more effectively than others.
Villain Groups
Unaligned Groups
Bell Tech
A company founded and run by David Bell, the older step brother of William Wisp. What it develops, or what its main focus is as a company is unclear, though they are known to, at the least, make medicines, as shown in S2 Episode 14: The Fall at the discovery of their illegal procurement of research on cross-species genetics done on Harttawa Island to develop a medication known as Respilin, which they then charge upwards of $400 per "inhaler" for.