"With 100% certainty, the Weylin guarantee: we have something better than a spider"
Viv Weylin is the bone focused half of the Weylin Twins. She is played by Charlie Slimecicle.
Viv is a vampire woman. Her skin is ghostly pale, and the whites of her eyes are completely red while her pupils are white. Her skin is unsettlingly smooth and poreless, akin to a plastic doll. Her short, glossy, black hair is parted to the right with a small red clip holding it back over her pointed ears. She wears a solid black vest over a blood red button up shirt, tied with a white neck tie. Her shirt is rolled up to her elbows, and she wears black gloves that cover just below the wrist. A long, white lab coat sits over her shoulders. Her black and gray striped pants are tied at the waist by a belt with a silver buckle. The combat boots she wears are also black, the platforms giving her a little bit more height.
After Emizel, Shilo, and Theo broke into the Weylin twin’s warehouse, Viv put an eye in the back of her head.
Viv is very focused on facts and science, viewing the world through precise calculations. She banters with the people she performs experiments on, enjoying dad jokes and puns. She doesn’t care for the lives of the people she experiments on, leaving them half dead in inhumane conditions. She is extremely gullible, and does things just because they are funny. She keeps her lab pristinely clean, and her specialty is bones.
Pre Canon[]
Edward Twilight approached the Weylin twins as a young vampire and they performed plastic surgery on his face. The operation was mostly successful, but prevented him from moving his face at all. The Weylin Twins worked with Edward more as time went on, building an armada of ghouls stitched together from the bodies of both humans and vampires. Many of these people used in experiments were part of the Fangs or the Demons, which Viv and Vex had been secretly leading behind the scenes.
During Canon[]
After Emizel bit his sire back, his sire was transformed into a cyborg-spider amalgamation by the twins as punishment for his failure with Emizel. When Emizel encountered his sire a second time, his sire impaled him on a spike and brought him back to Viv and Vex. The Weylin twins cut off all of Emizel’s limbs, leaving him to burn on the roof of their warehouse.
When Emizel came back to life, he infiltrated the warehouse to investigate what the Weylin twins were doing. He first jumped Vex, but then ran away to find and attack Viv. She wasn’t aware of the struggle because she was listening to music as she worked, and Emizel was able to injure her greatly with his first strike. He convinced her that he couldn’t burn in the sun and that he was a powerful illusionist, and she then convinced him that if he turned around she would show him the Weylin twin’s greatest creation. She attacked him while his back was turned, and in the ensuing scuffle Viv ripped out one of Emizel's ribs. Vex joined them, and Viv claimed that she would now show Emizel their real greatest creation. The twins unveiled a massive amalgamation they had been working on, which was a combination of a stingray, an angler fish, and a jerboa. The creature tried to attack Emizel, but he killed himself before it could. The Weylin twins were stunned, but got to work quickly on using his body for parts. When he reincarnated, Emizel burst out of the corpse they had been working on and sprinted out of the warehouse, leaving the twins shocked.
After Emizel’s attack, the twins significantly improved their security, with brand new creatures that were made of flesh and eyes with bat wings on the sides that acted as an alarm or guard for the warehouse. Viv did work on Gabriel Montez, giving him a more humanoid form with bone plating.
Days later, Shilo, Emizel, Grefgor, and Theo infiltrated the twin’s compound a second time. They went undetected until Emizel intentionally attracted the attention of the twins by stealing a truck and loudly crashing it through a sheet metal wall. Viv released Gabriel Montez to chase Emizel down. The alarm amalgamations alerted the Weylin twins to where Shilo was hiding, and Vex was the first one to reach him, and he was quickly joined by Viv. Shilo tried to run away from them, but Theo was able to light a fire that scared both of the Weylin twins away. They were not able to overcome their fear, and the four infiltrators escaped.
In the month following this attack, the Weylin twins moved to a new base of operations and set up the old warehouse as a trap for Emizel should he return. They kidnapped Jeffery Tucker and killed him, using his flesh to make ghouls that looked identical to the two of them. They left these ghouls in the warehouse and waited an entire month for Emizel to show up. When he finally did, they told him through a monitor that they had killed his father and tried to trap him. Unfortunately, Emizel had lost his memory of having a father while at The Midnight Circle and he didn’t know what they were talking about. He told them they didn’t have to work with Edward Twilight anymore if they agreed to join his side of things, and they admitted they didn’t like working under the primogen but he provided them enough money and flesh that they weren’t going to be so easily persuaded. Emizel tried hard to convince them, but failed in the end and the Weylin twins detonated their warehouse with him inside. Emizel died, and the twins waited at their new base for some of the ghouls to bring his body to them. He escaped before the truck reached the second location, and he was able to ambush them once again. They were tired of the fighting and agreed to his proposition to create a temporary alliance, where they would make Shilo and Emizel look exactly like each other in exchange for Emizel letting them experiment on his body. Later, Shilo and Emizel returned to uphold their end of the deal. Arthur Bennett came along as well, hoping that the twins might be able to fix his newly monstrous appearance. All three were brought to the Weylin twin’s new factory, and upon seeing Arthur’s face the twins demanded that they be able to work on him too. Viv was assigned to Arthur, and he told her of the Tremere’s goal to unleash the moonbeast on the world in exchange for the operation. Arthur requested that she make him look as much like Dracula as possible, giving her full autonomy over his appearance. Her work was slightly flawed, leaving his face waxy and slightly drooping. The two twins parted ways with the three vampires, saying they would see them tomorrow at the party.
The Weylin twins were VIPs during the Cullen Games, watching and mingling with the other important vampires. They created many of the monstrosities that roamed around the arena, including a fire bear and a shark on spider legs with machine guns attached to it. They cheered when their ghouls were on screen, talked to Emizel in Shilo’s body, and held back Chet Tanner while he tried to flip tables.
- Grizzly loves the Weylin Twins
- She likes Miley Cyrus better than Hannah Montana